That's me with Sushmita Sen. We visited a Bollywood film lot, and ran into her. She's a former Miss World and Miss India, now a film actress. She was quite gracious with us. I didn't know who she was, but she was beautiful and glamourous so I had my picture taken with her.

I may not have known who she was, but my student Mitra (who is from Trinidad and Tobago, of Indian descent) knew quite well. He was a little envious, but took it well. I think his exact words were "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" (Sorry Mitra. You have to admit it was pretty funny.)

Another friend saw this photo, kind of tilted their head, and said "I don't usually think of you as ugly ..."

Image 20010526.1/20010526.1.11.web.jpg, size 44205 b

Photo © 2001, Giles Orr  (go
Last modified: 2016-10-13 by giles